Eclectic artist with an extremely wide area of interests, Janek Schaefer is more than just a musician.
Architect, photographer, composer, sound artist, graphic designer and, of course, tireless experimenter.
Studying the spatial aspects of sound and its architectural elements starting from raw materials treated with both analog and digital techniques is the core of most of his projects, a final aim of the manipulation of found sounds and a reason behind the use of environmental recordings.
Acclaimed audio and visual works, installations, collaborations have distinguished his activity during over two decades.
What follows is an almost complete list of solo/collaborative/participative works as musician and some audiovisual installations.
For delving into Janek’s world, refer to the audiOh! website.
Architect, photographer, composer, sound artist, graphic designer and, of course, tireless experimenter.
Studying the spatial aspects of sound and its architectural elements starting from raw materials treated with both analog and digital techniques is the core of most of his projects, a final aim of the manipulation of found sounds and a reason behind the use of environmental recordings.
Acclaimed audio and visual works, installations, collaborations have distinguished his activity during over two decades.
What follows is an almost complete list of solo/collaborative/participative works as musician and some audiovisual installations.
For delving into Janek’s world, refer to the audiOh! website.

- His Master's Voices (1997, AudiOh!, audiOh! 04)
- Rotation & Oscillation (1998, AudiOh!, audiOh! 07)
- Split Series #3 (1998, FatCat Records, 12FAT023) (w/ Pan•American)
- Out (1999, (K-RAA-K)³, k017)
- Recorded Delivery (1999, Hot Air, AIRMILE 72)
- Above Buildings (2000, FatCat Records, FATSP02)
- Wow (2000, Diskono, DISKONO 011)
- On/Off LP (2001, AudiOh!, audiOh! 09)
- Le Petit Theatre de Mercelis (2002, Audiosphere, AS03)
- Pulled Under (2002, AudiOh!, audiOh! 012)
- Sheen (2002, Tu M'p3, --)
- Black Immure: {Music From The Casa De Serralves In 12 Phases} (2003, Sirr, sirr0010)
- Quality Hotel (2003, Mutek_Rec, MTK_CLB02) (w/ Stephan Mathieu, Radboud Mens, Timeblind)
- Skate / Rink (2003, AudiOh!/Staalplaat, audiOh! 11/STmCD 023)
- Weather Report (2003, Alluvial Recordings, A17)
- Cold Storage (2004, Defrag Sound Processing, dfrgcd89)
- Early Electronic Compositions (2004, Tonschacht, tonschacht 016)
- Orders (2004, Apestaartje, SA02) (w/ Christopher Flores)
- Songs For Europe (2004, Asphodel, ASP 2026) (w/ Philip Jeck)
- Migration (2005, BiP_Hop, [BLEEP 31])
- Hidden Name (2006, Crónica, Crónica 027~2006) (w/ Stephan Mathieu)
- In The Last Hour (2006, Room40, RM419)
- Vijftiende Mixer - Location Stories (2006, Stichting Mixer, m07.08/9)
- Recital In The Old Library (2007, AudiOh!, audiOh! 18)
- The Sporting Guide To The Speed Of Sound (2007, AudiOh!, audiOh! 21)
- Alone At Last (2008, Sirr, sirr0031)
- Extended Play (Triptych For The Child Survivors Of War And Conflict) (2008, Line, Line_036)
- Fifty Inner Spaces (For JG Ballard) / Girl (2009, Crónica, Crónica 047~2009) (w/ Stephan Mathieu)
- Asleep At The Wheel… (2011, My Dance The Skull, MDTS07)
- National Portrait (Artist Multiple) (2011, Room40, EDRM424)
- Phoenix & Phaedra Holding Patterns (2011, Spekk, KK025)
- Double Exposure (2011, Crónica, Crónica 062~2011)
- Day Of The Demons (2012, Desire Path Recordings, PATHWAY004) (w/ Charlemagne Palestine)
- Lay-by Lullaby (2014, 12k, 12k1079)
- Unfolding Luxury Beyond The City Of Dreams (2014, Dekorder, Dekorder 077)
- Inner Space Memorial In Wonderland (2014, Dekorder, Dekorder 078)
- Three By Three By Three (2015, Room40, DRM435) (w/ DJ Olive, Lawrence English)
- World News (2015, Rev Laboratories, REV006CD/P)
- Glitter In My Tears (2017, Room40, RM485)
- What Light There Is Tells Us Nothing (2018, Temporary Residence, TRR305)
Appears on:
- Bovine Life - Social Electrics (2000, BiP_Hop, [BLEEP 06])
- Stephan Mathieu - The Sad Mac (2004, Vectors/Headz, vector 4/HEADZ 33)
- Gino Zardo - Walking East (2005, Alluvial Recordings, A22)
- Lawrence English - For Varying Degrees Of Winter (2007, Baskaru, karu:7)
Tracks appear on:
- VV.AA. - Structure Decay - Material From FatCat's Past, Present & Future (1998, FatCat Records, -- ) track: Beyond Zero Point
- VV.AA. - Split Series 1 - 8 (1999, FatCat Records, FATCD08) track: Foreground Blink
- VV.AA. - e.g. Sometime Instant (2000, Radiotuesday , --) track: Wow (Physical Remix By Fog) VV.AA. - Lockers (2000, ERS, ERS 12/07) tracks: Lock3, Lock1
- VV.AA. - The Wire Tapper 6 (2000, Wire Magazine, Issue 200) track: Accident Assistant
- VV.AA. - (K-RAA-K)³ Labelsampler (2001, (K-RAA-K)³, k027) track: Penumbral Rover
- VV.AA. - Floating Foundation Vol. 1 (2001, Sub Rosa, SR 146 CD) track: Lithospheric Shifts
- VV.AA. - Medical Milestones (2001, Hot Air, AIRMILE 003) track: Schaefer Morning 29/03/95
- VV.AA. - Lágrimas De Miedo N°9 - Spectrum (2002, Fear Drop, LAGR 009) track: National Silence
- VV.AA. - 60 Sound Artists Protest The War (2003, Atak, --) track: Is This Just...[?]
- VV.AA. - Belfast Songs (2003, Factotum, 0-9544320-0-2) track: The Long Good Friday
- VV.AA. - Found Sound V.2 (2003, Sounds From The Pocket, ps/4) track: Recorded Delivery
- VV.AA. - Bip-Hop Generation [v.7] (2004, BiP_Hop, [BLEEP 24]) track: Vasulka Vauban's 'A Day In The Good Life'
- VV.AA. - INstruments (2004, List, L 005) track: Sans La Vue
- VV.AA. - Melatonin: Meditations On Sound In Sleep (2004, Room40, EDRM402) track: Love Song
- VV.AA. - Observer Drift (2004, Authorised Version, AV017) track: Villanueva De La Concepcion, 100 Goats, Late Afternoon, Southern Spain
- VV.AA. - Xing-Wu (2004, Xing-Wu Records, XWU5001CD) track: Maison A Bordeaux
- VV.AA. - Mind The Gap Volume 54 (2005, Gonzo Circus, GC062) track: Kerameikos (w/ Philip Jeck)
- VV.AA. - Untitled Songs On The 49th Year Of Gesang Der Jünglinge (2005, Sirr, sirr0020) track: Untitled
- VV.AA. - Appliance 4 (2006, Appliance Japan, REC 002) track: Outro
- VV.AA. - The Art Of The Virtual Rythmicon (2006, Innova, Innova1209 track: All Bombing Is Terrorism
- VV.AA. - On Isolation (2006, Room40, EDRM410) track: Alone At Last
- Twocsinak & DJ Sarah Wilson Present - 'Jesus Is A Brave Little Toaster' Volume 1: Take Nothing But Footprints, Leave Nothing But Photographs (2007, Wrong Music, WNG002) track: Janek Schaefer's Shaver (w/ Twocsinak, Onanist Homework Robot & The Guano Ignoramus)
- VV.AA. - Idioscapes (2007, Idiosyncratics, idcd 001) track: Scarlett Arrives
- VV.AA. - Lágrimas De Miedo N°13 - Parhélie (2007, Fear Drop, LAGR 013) track: Boulevard Périphérique
- VV.AA. - Mus*****c (2008, Crónica, Crónica 032~2008) track: Broadstairs Children’s Piano Trio
- VV.AA. - Fabrique (2009, Room40, EDRM420) track: Fields Of The Missed
- VV.AA. - Crónica L (2010, Crónica, Crónica 050~2010) track: Unfurling Fugue (w/ Enrico Coniglio)
- VV.AA. - 10 (2011, Room40, DRM410) track: Unfolding Honey
- VV.AA. - v-p v-f is v-n Mix [Field] Compilation Series, 203m (2012, Winds Measure Recordings, wm30m) track: Late Night And Far Away
- VV.AA. - Vernacular (2013, Whereabouts Records, WHACD-13) track: Rest In Peace Knowing The Sound Of Angels
As Comae:
- Comae (2001, Rhiz Records, RHIZ 009) (w/ Robert Hampson)

Some Installations:
Vacant Space
Commissioned by The Sonic Arts Network
Release date: 2006
Notes: collaboration with Chris Watson & David Tinapple

Two By Two By Two By Two By Too Many By Too Much

Location: Centro Atlántico de Arte Moderno (Canary Islands)
Date: 13/07/2007 to 16/09/2007

Extended Play [Triptych For The Child Survivors Of War And Conflict]

Location: Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival
Release date: 2007

Janek Schaefer
audiOh! Transcription Series: Spoken Word LP's 1951 - 1980
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